
The Library is fully functional with Digital Network, provides the latest editions of books, magazines, periodicals and Indian and international journals, to keep abreast with the latest research and technological developments. The institute believes that there can be no substitute to a good collection of books which are the only way of scaling further heights of academic achievements.

  1. The library is open for all from 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM on all working Days.
  2. The Library has 3350 titles and 20,213 volumes. The library has a subscription for 11 magazines and 9 journals. It is also subscribed to 3 English and 3 Telugu dailies.
  3. Students without ID cards will not be allowed to enter the library.
  4. No student is allowed to enter the library when the class work is in progress.
  5. All students have to register their names in the library to get the Library borrower’s cards
  6.  Books issued on the borrower’s cards are to be renewed or returned after 2 weeks, failing which the student will be liable to pay a fine of Rs 1.00 per day per each book.
  7. Students are advised not to keep the books with them for long time thus causing inconvenience to others.
  8. Students will have to bear all the expenses to repair or replace if any of the library book is mutilated or lost.
  9. Books which are meant only for reference will not be issued on the borrower’s cards.
  10. Loss of the library cards should be immediately brought to the notice of the librarian. Fresh cards will be issued against the payment of a fee of Rs.50/-
  11. The Digital Library consists of NPTEL Web & Video Lectures of various disciplines from various IIT’s & NIT’s across INDIA.